Sooner or later, men have some questions about their health. Erection problems can occur at any age. Today, specialists are increasingly faced with complaints about the state of erection of young people under the age of 25. It can be seen from this that the problem has significantly "rejuvenated". Erectile dysfunction occurs for various reasons: stress, overwork, diseases of the cardiovascular system, unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, unhealthy diet. A man can identify some pathologies on his own - by the nature of the discharge during an erection. After all, a timely appeal to a doctor for help guarantees a full-fledged painless treatment.
Normal discharge on excitement
Discharge in men from the penis during arousal, before intercourse is absolutely normal. The secretion of secretion when stimulating an erection in medicine is called libidinal urethrorhea. The quantity and quality of such secretions can be completely different, depending on the characteristics of the organism of a particular man.
Normally, when an erection occurs, a clear liquid should come out of the urethra. This liquid has a medium thickness. The amount and duration of such a secret depends on the degree of erection and arousal. That is, the stronger the arousal and desire, the more fluid is observed before the onset of intercourse. It is important to know that even such discharge in men contains a certain amount of sperm. This means that even with interrupted intercourse, pregnancy can occur.

As is already known, urethrorhea is a secret secreted when exposed to a degree of arousal. It is worth noting that libidinal urethralrhea can be discharged in the morning after waking up. This is also considered the norm for men. Smegma is a secret secreted by a gland located at the head of the penis. These secretions are not present in men who carefully monitor personal hygiene. Smegma consists of fat secreted by the sebaceous glands. The secret accumulates under the skin of the glans penis. It rinses off easily while taking a shower, and a small amount is considered the norm.
If you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, smegma begins to actively stand out during an erection. This is a fertile ground for the multiplication of many pathogenic microorganisms. And such a pathogenic microflora can cause various complications in the intimate life. Sperm is secreted from the urethra during ejaculation. After that, as a rule, the erection weakens and disappears altogether. Sperm contains a large amount of sperm, the secret of the sex glands. The color of this secret is usually white. If during intercourse there is no sperm discharge, this indicates serious problems with potency. Normally, ejaculation should occur no later than an hour after the start of intercourse.
Pathological discharge
Sometimes, too much discharge from the urethra during an erection may indicate some deviation. Some diseases are diagnosed precisely by the nature of the pathological discharge. Indeed, very often there are no other symptoms in men. That is why it is very important for young people to be attentive to all kinds of changes.
So, discharge that goes beyond the normal range may indicate the presence of such diseases:
- Sexually transmitted diseases;
- Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
- Urethritis;
- Prostatitis;
- Balanitis;
- Oncological diseases;
- Complications after trauma to the penis.

The secret that is secreted in men during an erection may be too scarce, or vice versa, excessive. Also, in pathology, the color and consistency of this secret plays an important role. As a rule, too thick or liquid discharge is considered unacceptable. In this case, the color may not be white, but yellow, gray, with a greenish tint. Impurities of blood or pus may be present. If the secret is transparent, but thick and pulling, we can talk about the presence of diseases such as mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia.
When passing laboratory tests, in this case, too many leukocytes are established. If the disease is in a severe, advanced form, pus is observed in the discharge. In the presence of a disease such as chlamydia, secretions accumulate on the glans penis and glue the foreskin.
No less rarely, pathological discharge during an erection occurs against the background of other diseases:
- Candidiasis;
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- Streptococcus;
- Escherichia coli.
At the same time, young people complain not only about pathological discharge during erection, but also about itching, burning, swelling of the tissues of the penis. An abnormal secret does not always indicate the presence of problems of the genitourinary system. Inflammation of the genitals, both external and internal, can occur against the background of allergies, narrowing of the urethra, chemical poisoning, mechanical effects on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. As soon as a man discovers any pathology, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The specialist will prescribe the most correct course of treatment. This will help avoid possible complications.
During an erection, discharge is the norm or not
During an erection, discharge often bothers men and their sexual partners. Not really understanding what an erection in men means, some men worry about a lack of knowledge in this area. Others are concerned about the case, as discharge can be associated with various diseases.
Physiological norm of discharge during an erection
During an erection, a healthy body of a man produces transparent mucus - urethral rhea. This colorless mucous discharge from the urethral glands is normal and serves as a lubricant to improve the passage of semen through the urethra. The amount of excretion of secretions can be extremely meager and quite abundant. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body's activity and the intensity of sexual activity. An increase in the volume of discharge is noted with prolonged abstinence.
Pathological discharge during erection
With the appearance of secretions during an erection, which have not been observed before, do not get carried away with honey for an erection or other types of self-medication. You need to see a doctor. It is worth paying attention to such deviations from the norm:
- discharge is accompanied by pain or discomfort;
- the amount of discharge has changed significantly up or down;
- impurities (blood, pus, and others) appeared in the discharge;
- change in consistency (become more sticky or thicker);
- the appearance of odor in the discharge.
The causes of the appearance of pathological discharge can be inflammatory processes of the urethra, infections and mechanical damage. For the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, a man must trust a specialist. If infectious factors of the appearance of discharge during erection are identified (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, gonorrhea), treatment is also prescribed to the permanent sexual partner of a man to exclude re-infection. During an erection, the discharge of a pathological nature may not differ from physiologically normal in appearance.
Discharge from the penis during arousal is characteristic of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. And their change is a signal of a serious illness that needs treatment. Self-medication without tests and doctors can only aggravate the situation, create difficulties in the diagnosis by a specialist and the choice of treatment in the future.
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Discharge during erection in men

Often, discharge during erection in men occurs in the form of a liquid (in a limited amount), which can be of different color and consistency. Discharge comes from the urethra or preputial gland and is normal if the amount, color, and odor do not make you think otherwise.
If the secretion is atypical, then you should think about your state of health and contact a specialist, because this may be the first symptom of a serious illness.
Secretion during erection in men, which indicates a normal state of health
A common indicator for assessing the health of the genitourinary system is physiological discharge from the urethra:
- urethrorrhea - during an erection, a transparent secret is produced, which contains a small number of germ cells;
- smegma - produced by the sebaceous glands under the skin of the head of the penis (washed off during hygiene procedures).
Secretion of a pathological nature
The appearance of secretion, which cannot be attributed to normal and physiological, indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. They can be caused by both infectious and non-infectious causes.
The main types of infectious diseases, due to which pathological secretion occurs, are:
- chlamydia;
- candidiasis;
- gonorrhea;
- genital herpes;
- trichomoniasis;
- ureaplasmosis;
- mycoplasmosis.
Non-infectious factors can also provoke such secretion, namely:
- damage to the urethra due to mechanical stress;
- allergic reactions;
- taking medications or other chemical substances;
- narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.
Typology of discharge during erection in men
All erection discharge in men can be different in color and transparency. Already according to these indicators, one can draw the first conclusions about the presence of processes unusual for a healthy body, namely:
- turbid - directly indicate the presence in the body of an impressive number of pathogenic microorganisms;
- gray with a thick consistency - indicates the presence of dead epithelial tissues;
- green or yellow - is a direct indicator of the presence of inflammatory processes and purulent discharge (in the analyzes there will be an increased level of leukocytes);
- interspersed with blood or bloody clots.
Examination and treatment for atypical discharge during erection
If an atypical secretion is detected during an erection, it is necessary to contact a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination in order to confirm or exclude the presence of certain diseases.
Initial examination includes:
- visual inspection of the penis;
- palpation and examination of the lymph nodes in the groin;
- collection of secretion from the prostate for subsequent laboratory research.
Based on the data of laboratory tests and initial examination, a preliminary diagnosis can be made. If this data turns out to be insufficient, the following manipulations are additionally carried out:
- TANK-seeding;
- general blood analysis;
- general urine analysis;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and prostate;
- tomography.